How To save Smartphone Battery Life [10 Methods]

Nowadays smartphone companies have started giving more and more milliampere batteries. But still, they don't fulfill our experiences, we still crave for longer battery life. To encounter that problem you can do certain things on your smartphone. That will help you to save your smartphone battery life.

But before we start let me give you one important tip. Do Not ever use any third-party battery saver app, because they simply slow down your smartphone's performance just by killing background apps.

Also Read- 13 Things You Should Never Do with Your Smartphone [Be Aware]

Tips To Save Smartphone Battery Life

1-Try To Use Wifi over Data

Whenever you use mobile data to browse the internet, It really consumes the battery of your smartphone. To avoid this problem always try to use wifi. in case you don't have access to wifi then you can use mobile data.

To save some more batteries you can put your phone on airplane mode and then use wifi, It really helps a lot.

2-Decrease the Brightness

Nowadays in our smartphones, we are getting a very higher resolution screen that looks amazing, but the higher resolution the higher battery it consumes, So try to keep your screen brightness as low as possible.

If you don't want to do it manually again and again then you can set your brightness to automatic, It will increase/decrease brightness according to the lighting.

3-Do Not Use Live Wallpapers

If you're using live wallpapers then stop it immediately, I know it really looks amazing on the phone screen but, in live wallpapers, the display has to render moving colors in the background continuously that's why it uses lots of battery in your smartphone?

4-Turn  Off Gps

The one major mistake that, most of the mobile users does, that they forgot to turn off  Gps, It uses your smartphone's antenna to Search locations, So it is not necessary to always keep your location on.

5-Turn Off Auto Updated

Make sure auto-update on your phone is turned off, Because if there is an update available in your smartphone then it automatically starts downloading that consumes a lot of battery in the background.

To turn off auto-updates GoTo settings>>Software Update>>There you will find an option to turn off auto-updates.

So to avoid that you can manually update your smartphone.

6- Use Airplane Mode

Airplane mode is the best way to save your smartphone battery very effectively, It blocks all the signals in your phone like mobile data, Bluetooth, and message services. 

and also by putting your smartphone on airplane mode, you can charge your phone faster than usual.

7- Do Not Discharge your phone fully

One of the common problems with smartphone users is they use their phone until the battery dies. this is a very serious issue, do not use your smartphone if the battery is below 20 percent. It will increase the lifespan of your phone's battery

8- Kill Unused Apps

There are some apps that run in the background even if we are not using them, that drain your battery so fast just like, antivirus apps, GPS, and Bluetooth. 

To avoid these problems try to kill them from the background.

9- Use Dark Theme And Wallpaper

If your smartphone screen is AMOLED then always use a dark theme and wallpaper just because in AMOLED screen pixels get turned off where black is to be displayed that really saves battery and also the black theme is good for your eyes as well.

10- Use Ringtone Over Vibration Mode

In our smartphones there a small motor present in the motherboard that causes the vibration. whenever we put our smartphone in vibration mode, Moter starts to spinning, which consumes lots of battery as compared to a normal ringtone.

So try using ringtone over vibration to save some batteries.


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