FAU-G, the made-in-India action game for mobile devices, has crossed the four-million pre-registration mark on Google Play ahead of its official release, developer nCore Games has revealed. The game went for pre-registrations in late November — after a series of delays and changing in its launch date schedule that was ultimately set for January 26. Pre-registrations for FAU-G (also called The Fearless and United Guards) are initially limited to high-end and mid-range Android devices, though nCore Games does have plans to expand its availability to low-end devices in the future. FAU-G is also expected to make its way to iPhone and iPad users at the time of its formal launch next week.
Vishal Gondal, co-founder and chairman of nCore Games, has told IGN India that FAU-G has garnered over four million pre-registrations. “This is with not allowing some of the low-end devices to register,” he said.
FAU-G surpassed a million pre-registrations in the first 24 hours of its debut on Google Play store. However, it took over a month and a half to cross the four million mark.
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